The Next Drop Will Happen In:
Don't forget to review the key HERE! Otherwise, you will not be able to participate in future key drops!
Warning! Posting invalid Steam keys will result in consequences. You don't need to donate any Steam keys to claim keys from giveaways, nor do donators get any advantage from donating Steam keys.
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- Every user will have a chance to claim a key drop, but the fastest one to click the claim button will keep the Steam key.
- A claim button will appear when the countdown reaches zero.
- Users are required to specify the working state of the Steam key. Your options could be a Working Key, Duplicated Key, Product Already Owned, or Base Game Required. Not doing so will result in disqualification in any future Steam key drops!
- The winning user is required to answer the working state of the key honestly. Any dishonest answers will result in disqualification from claiming future Steam key drops.
- Only users with unlocked Steam accounts can claim a Steam key drop to prevent bot accounts from claiming the Steam keys.