Pixel Palette Creator ๐ŸŽจ๐Ÿ–Œ๏ธ

Minimum requirements

  • Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system
  • OS: Windows: 7, 8, and 10, 64-bit versions only.
  • Processor: X64 architecture with SSE2 instruction set support
  • Graphics: Graphics card with DX10 (shader model 4.0) capabilities.
  • DirectX: Version 10
  • Storage: 100 MB available space
Steam Achievements
Design & Illustration, Education, Photo Editing, Software Training, Game Development

16 May, 2022

Curator review

Bring out your artistic side with this useful palette creation software that is easy enough to use that anyone in the family will be able to create beautiful color palettes in minutes.

Full review

Workshop is a fantastic software that allows you to explore your artistic side and create stunning color palettes effortlessly. Whether you're an experienced artist or just starting out, Workshop provides all the tools you need to bring your imagination to life.

One of the standout features is the ability to share brushes through Steam Workshop. This means that you can collaborate with other artists, exchange ideas, and even learn from each other's techniques. It's a great way to expand your creativity and connect with like-minded individuals.

The software also excels in palette creation, allowing you to create beautiful color combinations in seconds through ramps and functions. With the option to import images as reference or sample colors directly, Workshop makes it incredibly easy for anyone in the family to create stunning palettes without any prior knowledge.

In addition, Workshop offers advanced features such as painting onto models using selected colors and exporting them for use elsewhere. Whether it's designing game assets or simply experimenting with different color schemes on 3D models, this software has got you covered.

Another highlight of Workshop is its simplicity when it comes to painting whole rooms or working with different layers and groups. The user-friendly interface ensures that even beginners can navigate through these tasks effortlessly while still achieving professional results.

If you find this software useful like I did - whether for personal projects or professional work - consider leaving a tip on their Steam page via their Tip Jar link provided above. Your support will greatly help cover fees associated with maintaining such an amazing tool!

Overall, Workshop is a must-have for anyone looking to unleash their creativity and take their palette creation skills up several notches. Give it a try today and prepare yourself for hours of artistic bliss!